Thursday, January 3, 2013


Well it has been quite a while since I have posted anything on my blog. A lot of things have happened in the last year that changed my life completely. I can honestly say these are the hardest struggles i have endured and don't know how i did sometimes. I am still healing but am moving forward and making a new life for myself, learning to love myself, and learning to love everything around me. I put my cake supplies away along with my feelings, its been over a year since i have made a cake. But with the new year, I am making new resolutions and pulling my pans back out. So till my next post here is a re-cap of the last cakes i made but never posted. Enjoy!


Sunday, May 22, 2011

Angry Birds

This cake was so fun! And most of you have probably played this. It took a lot of detail and time but was so worth it to see a smile on the boys face. Enjoy!

Daisy Cake

This cake I did for a friend of my husband. The colors are pink yellow and orange. Just a simple design. Enjoy!

Tangled Cake

This is a cake I did for a good friend of mine. It is designed around the tangled movie, I decided to make it the castle.

Aloha Graduation

This cake I did for the 2nd year graduating radiology students. It was Hawaiian theme, coconut cake with pineapple butter cream. Yum!

Big 5-0

It was my moms 50th birthday and after going all out for my dad I knew we had to do the same for my mom. she loves gardening and jewelry so i thought I'd try to incorporate the both. It was a crazy week! I had school, clinicals, and work. I did this cake plus the two other cakes posted below. Needless to say i rocked it. Enjoy!

Beach Cake

This is a little cake I did for my sister Kira for her birthday. Her favorite colors are lime green and blue. And she loves the beach so I combined both.